Friday 8 April 2011



I'm gonna throw a little pin-up your way.

Not much of a story to this one. It started out as an image of the main character from the Playstation 3 game "Bayonetta".
   But at the end I kinda just wanted to finish the image and move on to something new, so I abandoned the idea of doing some fanart and settled for tidying up the loose ends. The final result ended up looking more like someone from "Tron" though :)

(Oh, by the way. I know her right arm is out of proportion, but sometimes you just have to walk away from the drawing and say "There. That's all I have time for. Maybe the next one will be better").



Lars Horneman said...

GOOD LORD! Men hun er ikke god mod dyr og snorker om natten ikk`?

Rasmus Svarre said...

Fuck den er sej! Det er jo helt Marko-style...